This third official full length by Bay Area based Metal outfit Bosse-de-Nage has been out a while but it had to grow on me. When heard III for the first time I was confused. What is this supposed to be? Black Metal? Post Rock? Alternative? It took me a while to realize that B-d-N don't give a rat's ass about genre conventions, let alone any boundaries a certain musical style might bring. Only when I caught up on that I started enjoying what I heard.
III is the grim reaper shooting ahead with the gloves off taking an occasional breather only to come back at you even fiercer than before. No matter if B-d-N blast their spells on you or carry you away on a melodic wave, they compound seemingly conflicting faces to one quite special big picture.
Great album with a dynamic sound supporting both faces of the beast. Keep an eye on this band that we're hopefully going to hear more of.